Beautiful boy, you were the first thought I had this morning. I think about you all the time. Since the day you were born, not a single day goes by that I don't think of you. That wonderful day that you came into my life changed me forever. You were the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen and from that day forward, my heart was never my own again because I willingly let you have it and I don't ever want it back. I don't ever want to live another day of my life without knowing that you are under the same moon as me. That's the joy of being the oldest, Lord willing, I'll never have to live without you:-) God knew I needed to be the oldest in our family, because once you came along, the thought of living a day without you just does not compute with my soul.
There will never be words enough for me to let you know the vast amount that I love you. I love you so much it hurts. I'm so proud of who you are and who you'll become, for I know that our wonderful God has mighty plans for your life! I know that He has a life of adventure waiting for you just around the corner. A life that puts the Lord of the Rings and Narnia to shame it will be so filled with wonder and adventure. Do you know that I pray for you every single day? I pray that He will make you into a mighty man for His Kingdom, a man who stands for justice, who rescues the least, who never drops his sword, but who is willing to hold that sword to the side in order to scoop up a little child. This is what I pray for you in the night, that is what I dream for you. And I know, my wonderful, incredible little brother, that your life can be the most amazing testimony of a life completely poured out and spent for your King, and you will have the most incredible joy and a life overflowing with the beauty of a God who loves you far more than you can ever imagine. Get to know Him, sweet brother, and you'll discover someone who is Aslan brought to life. And oh, what an amazing life you'll have if you let Him write your story for you.
I love you so much, so very, very much, Charlie. Tonight, as the hours pass and I wait for the dawn to arrive, I'm thinking about you and praying for you and I'm missing you.
Lovely words, Jadebird. :)